Impact Through Stewardship

Explore how we maximize impact with financial integrity. Our financial insights reveal the power of community investment.



133 Days of Solidarity in 2023

Last year, Urban Compassion Project achieved a significant milestone, hosting 133 mutual aid days, a 155.77% increase. This huge surge reflects the dire need for our services and ssential support.

In 2023, we achieved remarkable milestones: 77 cleanups, over 130 tons of waste removed, 5,450 bags of debris collected, 50 individuals rehoused, and a 155% surge in mutual aid days, catalyzing transformative change in Oakland. And all of this was done with only $172,757.

Our Commitment to Transparency

At UCP, we believe in full transparency and accountability in how we manage and utilize the funds entrusted to us by our donors, partners, and community. This financial summary reflects our dedication to stewardship and the tangible differences we’ve made. It also highlights our ongoing needs—while we stretch every dollar, the reality is that more support means greater impact. We invite you to explore our financials, see how much of an impact we’ve created with such little funding and encourage you to join us in this vital mission. Your support fuels our future and improves the safety and environment of our local community.

Wait, you did what with how much?

We rely almost entirely on individual donations to cover costs. This includes cash donations as well as donations of materials, resources, supplies, and volunteer time. In order to scale and grow to best meet the needs of the more than 4,000 unhoused residents of Oakland, we need funding to hire multiple full-time staff members to carry out administrative tasks, direct volunteer cleanups, and distribute resources during weekly drop-offs. We strive to employ predominantly BIPOC Oakland residents who have experienced housing insecurity or homelessness.

Read our 2023 Annual Report

We’re excited to share our first annual report with you—the achievements, the hurdles, and the incredible support we’ve received. Here you will find a more detailed breakdown of our financials and how we operate.

Let’s take a look back at the year and get inspired for what’s next.

Make A Donation

The unhoused crisis is a growing concern that affects countless individuals and families, leaving them without a stable roof over their heads and essential resources. It is a complex problem with multifaceted challenges that demand our collective attention. Our organization, Urban Compassion Project, is committed to creating a positive impact and uplifting those in need.

We provide immediate relief and long-term solutions for the unhoused individuals in our area. With your generous contribution we can make a substantial difference in their lives and improve the overall well-being of our community.
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